Thursday, July 28, 2011


Oh the joy of jet lag!! It really makes me feel crazy when my body feels awake when it is just not supposed to!! We all crashed hard around 9:00pm. I woke up from a dead sleep at 3:00am WIDE AWAKE!!! Ethan was awake around 3:15 and then Jon Jon woke up around 3:30. Joey and Grace are snoozing hard. Below you will find the "List of POSITIVE THINGS" I composed while wide awake to keep my mind off of being upset about now being able to go back to sleep.

- I am so happy to be in my own bed and not in a hard China hotel bed!!
- I am so happy to hear planes flying over my house right now and I AM NOT ON THEM!!!
- I am so thankful to have three beautiful children in this house, together at last!!
- I am thankful for big boys who are crazy about their little sister!
- I am so thankful Grace made it through the trip home without getting sick!
- I am so thankful we made it home with all of our luggage and that we made our connecting flight!
- I am so thankful I made it through another China trip WITHOUT having to use a squatty potty!!
- I am so thankful to be in a place where I can drink tap water from the sink! Oh yes, I just had to stick my face under the kitchen faucet like a kid and drink! It may be city water and not yummy well water, but it sure beats toxic China water!!
- I am so thankful to be in a place where I can speak freely about Jesus and not have to worry about someone telling me how many children I can have!
- I am thankful to be blessed with so many frinds and such a precious family!!
- I am so thankful our little girl is sleeping in the bed we made ready for her!

** Update **
Ethan went back to sleep at 8:00am and Jon went back to sleep around 11:00am. Joey and Grace are still asleep. I have unpacked suitcases and have been washing clothes ALL DAY and there are still more! How in the world did we end up with so many dirty clothes. I think they are multiplying. :)
I sure hope I sleep tonight! Actually, I hope we all sleep. Wow, this could get really crazy if we all end up on different sleeping schedules!! UGH! :)

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