Tuesday, July 19, 2011

day 3 in Nanning

Grace slept well last night even after she had slept so much yesterday. We were a bit worried she might be up all night since she had slept so much of the day. Obviously, she really needed the rest after being so sick yesterday! Grace began to feel a bit better last night around dinner time. After spending the remainder of the afternoon and evening in the hotel room, she began to get a little more used to everyone. She actually stood in the floor near the boys. She even let Ethan hold her hand and walk around the room. She also sat in his lap. She shared some noodles with Jon Jon too. We think she may be a big eater like him!! :)

Grace is still very nervous and anxious. She was fine when we woke up this morning, but became sick when we were about to leave the room to go to breakfast. We literally walked to the door and she all of a sudden paniced and started to vomit. She has a very nervous stomach in addition to the car sickness. She is just experiencing a lot of stress. This is hard since there is not a lot we can do to help her. She just has to work through it as we love on her and let her know we will never leave her. We went down to breakfast after cleaning up. She showed us a bit of her stubborn side that the orphanage director told us about. We first tried to give her the congee, rice soup. The same stuff she happily consumed yesterday morning. However, this morning she refused it and kept pointing to the watermelon. She eagerly ate it. She ate a bit of noodles she claimed from someone elses plate and drank some juice. However, all came back quickly when she got nervous in the busy restaurant when she started to feel anxious again. :( Later this morning we went to Walmart and McDonald's for a little while. Grace got very upset when she saw the van. She knows she gets sick in it. She did ok. The ride to Walmart was very short! Please be in prayer for her as we continue to make the journey home. We have many car, van, bus and plane rides ahead of us over the coming days. We are praying for her to calm a bit and be able to peacefully make the trip to her new home.

After Walmart, we had our McDonalds food picnic style in the hotel room. We then headed to the pool. Grace again got upset as we headed out of the room and in the elevator. It is very difficult to see her so stressed. She did calm down as she watched the boys play in the pool.

We are now back in the room just hanging out getting her down for a much needed nap. Thank you so much for keeping up with us and for the much needed prayers. We appreciate them so much. The boys are having such a great time. Our prayer was for them to have a wonderful experience and they certainly are. It is really sweet to see them so smitten with Grace. It is kind of humorous to watch since we know things will change when we get home and settled and she starts to get on their nerves!! :) Seriously, they are being so good with her right now, especially when she gets upset and sick. They both run to get towels saying "she's going to throw up again" when they see her start to get upset. They are being good helpers.

Enjoy the pictures. You may want to periodically check back through the previous posts. We are trying to add pictures from previous days adventures that we have just not had the time to upload yet. Hopefully soon we will get the pictures from the first leg of the trip added so you can see Jon Jon being a clown on the plane and Ethan the "celebrity" as all the people in Beijing would come up and take their picture with the only blonde around!! :)

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